The establishment of a Pharmacy program was in the original plan of the University. It came on stream in 2003 when the first batch of students where admitted. The program was for Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) degree in the Department of Pharmacy.
The year 2005 saw changes in the Pharmacy Program. With the approval of the University Senate, the Faculty of Pharmacy was established to replace the Department of Pharmacy. The Faculty has six Departments, which are as follows:
The vision of the Faculty of Pharmacy is to produce graduates whose qualification would be of world class standard. We are aware that the Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) degree is no longer accepted for the practice of Pharmacy in many countries. For example, in Britain and other European countries, the terminal degree for registration as a Pharmacist is Master of Pharmacy (M. Pharm.) degree and not B. Pharm. degree. In USA, the accepted qualification for registration as a Pharmacist is Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D) degree and not B. Pharm. degree. Because the Faculty wanted to start on the right footing and to produce graduates whose training and certificates will be accepted anywhere in the word, a doctor of Pharmacy degree was presented to and approved by the University Senate. The changeover was easy as the programs of both B. Pharm and Pharm. D were the same for year 1 to year 3.
However, when National University Commission (NUC) formally approved the establishment of Pharm. D. program for Faculties of Pharmacy in Nigerian Universities, it directed that no retroactive approval would be granted. This put an end to our Pharm. D. Program as the Faculty did not get NUC approval before starting the program. The Faculty had no choice but to return to the B. Pharm Program with the approval of University Senate for students already admitted by the Faculty. However the Faculty plans to introduce the Pharm. D. program as soon as approval is granted.
The Faculty has started to develop an integrated approach to teaching in order to reduce or abolish repetition of topics by different departments. Our vision of the Faculty is to emphasize Pharmaceutical manufacturing, Pharmaceutical analysis, Clinical Pharmacy and entrepreneurship. To achieve these, the long term plan of the Faculty is to have a commercial Pharmaceutical manufacturing outfit with the state of the art quality control unit. A drug manufacturing company has been registered by the University administration as the first step. Another long term plan of the Faculty is to have a community Pharmacy in PortHarcourt/Owerri. When these become operational our will be expected to have industrial experience in the establishments. It is expected that the graduands of the Faculty will have the knowledge, capability and confidence to enter any of these areas with assured success.
As expected of a new Faculty in a new Institution, the Faculty has a fair share of usual teething challenges. These are being tackled head-on and in no distant date all will be a thing of the past. A gigantic Faculty building with all the necessary laboratories, classrooms, staff offices conveniences, is now in place. The Faculty is proud of the building and the departments available where all the department are domiciled. We are grateful to the Very Rev. Fr. Prof. E.M.P Edeh, the Founder of the University Administration for this.
We are confident that the Faculty will continue to fulfill its objectives and realize its vision.
The Philosophy of the Faculty is derived from and complements that of the University. It is to prepare students for life of honour, dignity and responsibility as educated citizens with the knowledge, skill, motivation and competencies for the practice of the profession in all its ramifications.
Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of the program are as follows:
1. To instill in the students a sense of appreciation of the profession of Pharmacy and to involve them in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying learning experience.
2. To provide students with a broad and balanced foundation in all the areas of Pharmaceutical knowledge.
3. To provide students with education to enter into practice of Pharmacy and function as professionals in a changing health care system and be responsible for generating and disseminating new knowledge about drugs and Pharmaceutical care.
4. To train and educate students to assume responsibility, authority and accountability for Pharmaceutical care.
5. To develop in the students, the ability to apply Pharmaceutical knowledge in health care delivery system.
6. To provide students with Pharmaceutical knowledge and professional skill to identify and solve (both human and veterinary) drug related problems.
7. To instill in the students the dynamic value of profession, this makes life-long learning a necessity.
8. To provide students with adequate knowledge and appropriate skill base from which they can proceed for further studies in specialized areas of Pharmacy and other medical sciences.
9. To make the students accept the needs of the society and individual patients as a priority.
10. To ensure adequate exposure of students through industrial training program in industry, hospital and community practice so as to prepare them for early useful entrance into any of these areas.
Admission Requirements
The degree of the Faculty is Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.) Degree.
The Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) degree program lasts for a period of five years for UTME and four years for direct entry candidates.
Five Year Program
The entrants would be candidates with senior secondary school certificate or its equivalent. The candidates are expected to have successfully passed physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and English language at the credit level or higher at not more than two sittings. This is in addition to an acceptable pass in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME). It may be desirable to mount appropriate screening for candidates before admission in order to ensure that students with the right attitude and aptitude for the competencies expected are selected. This must be in line with Madonna University policy on admission.
Four- Year Program
Direct entry students seeking admission to the four year program must have a pass in Chemistry, Physics, Biology or Botany or Zoology at the Higher School Certificate (Principal Level) with credit in English and Mathematics in the West African School Certificate Examination or its equivalent. The passes at the advanced level should have been obtained at not more than two sittings. First degree and Higher National Diploma (HND) holders in related subjects maybe accepted.
Transfer Candidates
Candidates wishing to transfer to Faculty of Pharmacy from other programs or from other Universities may be admitted at the appropriate level to be determined by the Faculty, provided the candidate has the minimum entry requirement prescribed for the Faculty. Such candidates will be expected to register and pass all prescribed courses of the Faculty where he/she is found deficient.
Job Opportunities
Candidates normally have career prospects in various branches of the Pharmacy Profession namely hospital (as specialist clinical pharmacist, drug information pharmacist), wholesale and retail community Pharmacy practice, pharmaceutical industry (as formulation, production, quality control and analysis or retailing pharmacist) teaching and research, drug regulatory affairs and government service.
Academic Content
General outlook
The principal objective of the curriculum is to provide a plan for the education, development and training of qualified students for careers in Pharmacy practice. The curriculum therefore provides the students with the following three areas of education:
a. General Education
This includes a variety of non-professional courses in the humanities, social and behavioral sciences, information and communication technology and entrepreneurship skills.
b. Basic and Pre-Clinical Sciences
The basic sciences include the courses in the physical, chemical and biological sciences, as well as mathematics. These courses are usually pre-requisites for the pre-clinical and professional courses.
The pre-clinical sciences are the following:
i. Human Anatomy
ii. Biochemistry
iii. Human Physiology
c. Professional Studies and Training
The variety of courses is classified under the headings and courses grouped together as shown below:
1. Biomedical/Pharmaceutical Sciences
Examples are
i. Pathology
ii. Computer Science
iii. Research Methodology and Biostatistics
iv. Immunology
v. Public Health/Epidemiology
vi. Pharmaceutical Technology
vii. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
viii. Pharmacognosy
ix. Toxicology
x. Veterinary Pharmacy
xi. Pharmaceutical Microbiology
xii. Pharmacology
xiii. Biotechnology
xiv. Pharmaceutics
xv. Herbal and alternative medicine
xvi. Industrial training
2. Administrative Pharmacy
This includes
i. Pharmacy management
ii. Pharmacy practice
iii. Pharmacy ethics / Jurisprudence
iv. Entrepreneurship
3. Clinical sciences (including clinical pharmacy)
These include Clinical courses in Pharmacy Practice, based on the Pharmaceutical and biomedical Sciences.
Examples include:
i. Biopharmaceutics
ii. Clinical Pharmacokinetics
iii. Pharmacotherapeutics
iv. Pharmacoepidemiology
v. Clerkship
vi. Drug information/Pharmacovigilance
vii. Communication skill
viii. Pharmaceutical care
ix. Supervised training in appropriate in-patient and out-patient environments under the title of clinical clerkship.
x. Clinical Pharmacology
xi. Clinical toxicology
xii. Public health
xiii. Management of minor diseases
xiv. Supervised training in appropriate in-patient and out-patient environments under the title of clinical clerkship.
Department Code Subject Area
Pharmaceutics & Industrial Pharmacy PIP 1
Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Biotechnology PMB 2
Pharmaceutical Chemistry PCH 3
Pharmacognosy PCG 4
Pharmacology & Toxicology PTO 5
Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacy Practice CPP 6
The University operates a two semester (first and second semester) academic year. A semester last eighteen (18) weeks of which fifteen (15) weeks are devoted to teaching (Lectures, practicals and tutorials) and (3) weeks for organization of examinations.
The courses are structured on credit unit system. One(1) credit unit is equivalent to one hour lecture per week, or three hours of practical per week. Tutorial is equivalent to a lecture period.
Each course code used in the Faculty is made up of three letters indicating the department code and a three-digit number. The three digit number indicates the following:
First digit
This represents the level of courses i.e 1 for 100 level; 2 for 200 level; 3 for 300 level; 4 for 400 level & 5 for 500 level.
Second digit
This indicate the subject area (in this case the department subject area) in which the course is taken (see above)
Third digit
This indicates the semester in which the course is taken
• 1,3,5,7 & 9 indicating first semester courses
• 2,4,6,& 8 indicating second semester courses
A period of 6-10 weeks which shall be spent in community Pharmacy, hospital Pharmacy or drug manufacturing industry during the long vacation from the second professional year. At the end of each period, the students shall present a report of the experience during the attachment.
External Examinership
There shall be external examiners appointed to vet and moderate the course and examinations for the various subject areas of the professional examination. The examiner’s reports shall be sent to the Vice Chancellor and made available to the department for appropriate action.
1. The degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy (B Pharm.) shall be the primary degree in the Faculty of pharmacy and shall be awarded after a successful completion of the senate approved curriculum and examinations.
2. The curriculum for degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy shall normally extend over a period of five (5) academic years for students admitted by UTME or four (4) years for students admitted by direct entry.
3a. To qualify to proceed to the second year of the program, the candidate must have a minimum passing grade in the subjects of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, English language and General studies courses.
The minimum passing grade is 50% in each of the component courses of the above listed subjects and general studies courses, is 40%.
3b. Where a candidate fails to make a passing grade, in any components of the above listed subjects as in 3a, he/she shall not be eligible to proceed to year two of pharmacy programme.
Assessment of students shall be based on one or more of the following:
i. Written/informal examination
ii. Continuous assessment
iii. Laboratory reports
iv. Practical examinations
v. Oral presentation /examination
vi. Term papers including work experience reports
vii. Conducting and reporting of project works.
Continuous Assessment:
5.1.1 Continuous assessment during the semester shall form part of the final semester grading. Continuous assessment shall carry 30% of the final grade of a semester examination. All candidates are required to have a minimum of 75% class attendance of each course to qualify to sit for the examination.
5.1.2 The pass mark for students’ academic work in all courses and practicals shall be 50% except in general studies where the pass mark is 40%. Without contradiction, passing the practical course of a level is a pre-requisite for registering for the next higher practical course.
5.1.3 The result of the examination shall be translated in the letter grade for purposes of determining the students Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).
5.1.4 The examination results are graded as follows:
Percentage score Letter grade Grade point
Percentage 70-100%, score Letter A, Grade point 5
Percentage 60-69%, score Letter B, Grade point 4
Percentage50-59%, score Letter C, Grade point 3
Percentage 45-49%, score Letter D, Grade point 2
Percentage 40-44%, score Letter E, Grade point 1
Percentage 0-39%, score Letter F, Grade point 0
• For Dispensing practical (PIP 215), and Ethics/Jurisprudence (CPP 466), the minimum passing grade is B (60%)
• For all examinations except general studies, the minimum passing grade is C (50%)
• For General Studies, the minimum passing grade is E (40%)
5.1.5 In any examination a distinction shall be awarded in any course(s), provided the candidate scores 70% or more in the course and passes all the courses in first sitting. The award of distinction shall be subject to a credible defence in an oral examination.
5.1.6 The Bachelor of Pharmacy degree shall not be classified,
6.1 To qualify to move to a higher level, a candidate must pass all the lower courses.
A candidate is allowed to carryover to a higher level, the number of units that will complete the maximum of twenty four (24) units per semester acceptable by the university, otherwise he/she is expected to repeat the year and register a minimum of fifteen (15) units per semester including the failed course(s).
6.2 A candidate who fails seminar or project shall be required to represent the project or seminar to the department.
6.3 A candidate who repeats a level and fails to pass all the registered courses (i.e after a second attempt) shall withdraw from the programme.
7.1 Seminar:
A candidate must deliver a well designed seminar and present to the Faculty before graduation and a minimum pass mark is 50%
7.2 Project:
A candidate is required to carry out a well designed and supervised research work which must be presented to external examiner. The grading of the project will be done by the department and the external examiner. The pass mark is 50%.
8. General Considerations
8.1 Before presenting themselves for an examination, candidates shall be required to have completed to the satisfaction of the departments concerned, approved periods of practical work and/or other assignments regarded as part of the program.
8.2 Without prejudice to the existing general University Academic regulations on examination malpractice, any student found guilty of any form of examination malpractice shall not be allowed to continue with Bachelor of Pharmacy program.
8.3 Any matters relating to the award of the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy of this University, which are not covered in this regulation shall be subject for determination by the Academic Board of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Biology BIO
Physics PHY
Chemistry CHM
Mathematics MTH
General Studies GST
Anatomy ANT
Biochemistry BCH
Physiology PIO
Pharmaceutics & Industrial Pharmacy PIP
Industrial Training (SIWES) PIP
Biopharmaceutics PIP
Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Biotechnology PMB
Pharmaceutical Chemistry PCH
Pharmacognosy PCG
Phytochemistry/Phyto-analysis PCG
Herbal & Alternative Medicine PCG
Veterinary Pharmacy PTO
Pharmacology and Toxicology PTO
Communication Skill/ Pharmacy Practical CPP
Clinical Pharmacokinetics CPP
Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Care CPP
Computer Application in Pharmacy & Drug Information CPP
Clinical Clerkship CPP
Pharmacy Management & Entrepreneurship CPP
Research Method & Biostatistics CPP
Pharmacy Ethics/Jurisprudence CPP
Pathology CPP
Pharmacy Public Health CPP
Pharmacotherapeutics CPP
Seminar CPP
Project CPP
-Elele Campus
1 Madonna University Road
P.M.B 05 Elele,
Rivers State Nigeria.
Tel: 09035055624,08135955826,08148396740
-Okija Campus
Okija, Anambra State Nigeria
Tel: 08078129083
-Akpugo Campus
Akpugo, Enugu State Nigeria
Tel: 08158055206, 08058143616
Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.
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