Madonna University Nigeria
Madonna University, Elele Campus

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Professor Philippe Mounmbegna, PhD

Professor of Biochemistry


Philippe Mounmbegna is a biochemist with over 12 years teaching and research experience years. His areas of interest in biochemistry are clinical, medicinal, molecular biology, immunochemistry, enzymology, lipids and membranes. 

Current Position

Director, Academic Planning Unit, Elele Campus.

Professional Education

  • B.Sc. Biochemistry, University of Yaounde 1, 1996
  • M.Sc. Biochemistry, University of Benin, 2001
  • PhD. Biochemistry, University of Benin, 2013

Time at the University

  • April 2002 - June 2003; Assistant Lecturer: Department of Medical Biochemistry, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Madonna University, Nigeria
  • June 2003 - October 2008; Lecturer I: Department of Medical Biochemistry, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Madonna University, Nigeria
  • October 2008 - October 2018: Senior Lecturer and Ag Head: Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Madonna University, Nigeria.
  • October 2018 - Present; Professor of Biochemistry: Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Madonna University, Nigeria.

Courses Taught

  • BCH 202
  • BCH 201
  • BCH 471
  • BCH 464
  • BCH 371


Foundation to Membrane Biochemistry

Foundation to Membrane Biochemistry provides the reader with and integrated and up-to-date covering of basic membrane biochemistry. It gives a details account of both basic knowledge on the composition of membrane as well as providing the reader with insight to the basis of the different type of molecular transaction they are involved in. The structural models of the cell membrane usually dreaded by most students is presented here in a simplified manner. Also provided is a comprehensive and authoritative overview of such areas as the biosynthesis of membrane components, cell membrane junctions, transport across biological membranes, cell receptors, signal transduction, electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.

Understanding Basic Immunology and Immunochemistry. (1st ed.)

This book provides the reader with a comprehensive and authoritative insight of the whole field of modern immunology and immunochemistry and its ramifications into such areas as genetics, transplantation, cancer and infectious diseases. It differs from other textbooks in that there is emphasis on principles of immunochemical techniques. An attempt has also been made to explain the often-complex phenomena of immunology and immunochemistry in terms of simple underlying concepts. This book is definitely an asset to the students and lecturers who wish to acquaint themselves with immunology and immunochemistry

Separation and Biochemical Techniques Practical Manual

This manual is designed to provide advanced biochemistry students a better understanding of biochemical methods such chromatography, electrophoresis, dialysis etc., which are discussed during lectures. These techniques are part of modern biochemistry and the rapidly growing field of cell and molecular biology and biotechnology. The selected experiments in this manual are aimed at enabling both undergraduate and postgraduate students to become familiar with biochemical methods and the use of laboratory equipment in preparation for their research projects. Each section of the manual begins with a brief background meant to refresh the reader’s memory of the theory discussed in the classroom.

Drug Therapy and malaria Eradication, How Effective? Chapter 8 in Malaria Eradicating the Scourge from the African Grassroots Perspective 1st Ed. Edited by Prof. Fosi-Mbantenkhu

In this chapter, a review of anti-malaria drugs combinations manufacturers and slogans used in Nigeria is smartly presented. Despite this myriad of drugs in their various combinations and permutations it has remained a challenge to completely overcome or eradicate the disease in Africa. A painstaking elucidation of the various drugs and their limitations (including resistance) used in the fight against malaria down the history lane from quinine and related agents to the artemisinin based combinations is presented. From the above the author opined that the best way to fight this disease will be to first eradicate the vector by all means.


Professional Affiliations

  • International Society of Biochemistry (ISB)
  • Federation of African Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (FASBMB)
  • Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
  • International Society of Biochemistry (ISB)