Lecturer one, Elele Campus.
Coconut oil supplemented diet on transferase activity specifically aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) were investigated in the plasma, liver, kidney, and heart of albino rats. Control group was fed with growers mash and water only, the second group was fed with growers mash and 20% w/w coconut oil and third group was fed with 40% w/w coconut oil respectively. The rats were sacrificed after five weeks of feeding. The activity of AST and ALT was significantly (P<0.05) increased in the kidney, heart, liver and plasma of the rats fed with 20 % w/w and 40 % w/w Coconut oil supplemented diet when compared to the control group. The liver/body weight, heart/body weight ratio and mean body weight gain was significantly (p< 0.05) increased in both 20 % w/w and 4 0% w/w coconut oil fed rats relative to control rats. No significant difference (p >0.05) was observed in the kidney/body weight ratio of the albino rat. The result obtained suggests that consumption of supplemented coconut oil diet may inhibit enzyme activity and other metabolic functions. Keywords: Coconut oil; Aspartate aminotransferase (AST); Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
The effect of palm kernel oil consumption on the activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) was investigated in the liver, kidney, heart and plasma of albino rats. The rats were divided into two groups (n=5). The first group was fed with growers mash only (control), while the second was fed with 10% palm kernel oil respectively in their diets. This treatment was carried out for 47 days. The activity of AST and ALT was significantly (P<0.05) increased in the heart (1104+482.1 and 304+104.3 U/L) and liver (912+451.1 and 496+255 U/L) when compared to the control group (Heart 944+279.4 & 416+235.9 and liver 496+143.1 & 256+104.3 U/L). However, there was AST and ALT decrease in kidney (832+286.2 and 304+131.5 U/L) and plasma (128+26.8 and 34+37.8 U/L) of albino rat fed with palm kernel oil when compared with the control group (kidney 1712+834.6 & 448+243.9 U/L and plasma 130+36.1 & 42+36.3 U/L). The rats fed with 10% palm kernel oil was significantly (P<0.05) increased in liver/body weight ratio (0.0043+0.050b), heart/body weight ratio(0.0044+0.00076b) and body weight gain(30.0+0.0bg) when compared to the control group liver/body weight ratio (0.039+0.0034a), heart/body weight ratio(0.0036+0.00040a) and body weight gain (10.0+7.1b). However, no significant difference was observed in the kidney/body weight ratio (10% PKO 0.0080+0.0011a & 0% Control 0.0070+0.00075a) of rats in all the experimental groups. The result obtained suggests that consumption of palm kernel oil may result to oxidative stress and hepatoxicity.