Madonna University Okija, Anambra State Nigeria was founded on April 20th 1999 by the Congregation of Fathers and Brothers of Jesus the Saviour, Ugwuoba, Awka, Anambra State.
Chemistry activities and teaching took off immediately amongst other courses in science, arts and engineering.
At the beginning of 1999/2000 academic year, a total of 20 students were admitted into the then Science Department. New Departments soon emerged out of it. One such Department was the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry programmes led by coordinators. In 2002/2003 the Industrial Chemistry programme graduated its first pioneer graduate named Kevin Ibe, with Verla, A.W. as the coordinator of the programme. The period between 2002 to 2004 witnessed an increase in student’s population. This catalyzed the creation of a full Department of Industrial Chemistry in 2004/2005 academic year with Ikueze S.U. as acting HOD.
Undergraduate studies in the Department of Industrial Chemistry seek to expose students to the broad area of theory and practice of the fundamental aspects of all branches of Chemistry. Modern Society requires an all round individual as a result of increasing interdependency of the sciences. The Department therefore aims to offer a thorough grounding in theoretical, experimental and operational aspects of Chemistry, as it relates to the Chemical Industry. This will enable Nigeria and Africa to have a new breed of well-trained high-level manpower that can apply Chemistry principles to national and international development. The use of modern analytical tools and their applications to the environment are equally emphasized. In a nutshell the Industrial Chemistry programme focuses on the search for and application of chemical knowledge to solving man’s problems.
The objectives include but are not limited to the following:
i. Development of high caliber industrial chemists who will be equipped to man responsible industrial positions as well as self reliant ventures.
ii. Chemists who will probe into the vast natural resources of Nigeria in order to accumulate relevant chemical data.
iii. Chemists capable of pursuing postgraduate studies and research in Chemistry.
iv. Chemists capable of collaborative efforts with other scientists in inter-disciplinary areas.
v. Chemists capable of utilizing chemical knowledge and skill in the service of developing national economy and improving man’s environment and his general well-being.
Scope of Programme
Undergraduates in the Department of Industrial Chemistry will take prescribed core courses which lay emphasis on exposing students to fundamental areas of interest such as Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Food Chemistry, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Seminars and Workshops may sometimes be organized by the Department. Final year seminar is compulsory for all the students.
During the study programme, students are expected to visit centers of Chemical Industries and write reports. They are expected to deliver seminars in the first semester of final year. Industrial Chemistry students are also required to participate in the students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) for a period of six (6) months as part of their academic programme. They are to submit and defend a type – written comprehensive report to the Department. The inclusion of Research Project which emphasizes the use of local raw materials as industrial feed-stock will go a long way to achieve some of the objectives. It is hoped that students’ intellectual growth is properly modeled to enable them go into the society with a positive, responsible, and responsive attitude in line with Madonna University Philosophy of Decency in Education and Morals.
The Department of Industrial Chemistry offers a four year degree programme leading to the award of a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Honours degree in Industrial Chemistry. However Direct Entry candidates with the required qualification may complete the programme within three years, i.e. they enter the programme at 200 level. In line with the University polices students who are unable to graduate after three years of normal graduation year will be asked to withdraw from the programme.
Admission Requirements
The Department offers two modes of admission: UTME and Direct Entry
Candidates seeking admission into Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Industrial Chemistry Programme, by UTME in addition to University requirements, are required to obtain credits in English language, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Biology or any other Science subject in West African School Certificate Examination or its equivalent (GCE, SSCE, NECO).
i. Chemistry, Physics at least with a grade above pass at the Advanced Level (GCE), H.S.C (Principal level) in addition to their five credits at the ordinary level.
ii. Teacher’s grade 1 examination from any Department to Industrial Chemistry must show proof of all entry requirements as required by the University. The students must be released and must be accepted into the programme with the consent of the HOD.
Students from other Departments wishing to take courses in Chemistry must have credit in chemistry and at least a pass in mathematics or its equivalent
The successful graduate of Industrial Chemistry is adequately equipped to take up jobs that generally relate to Vegetable oils, Petroleum, Soaps and Detergents, Paints, Chloroalkali Industry, Vanishes, Brewing, Pharmaceutics and Cosmetics, Sugar, Paper and Pulp, Textiles, Fertilizer, Ceramics, Iron and Steel Industry, Coal, Dyestuff and Explosives etc. specifically, career opportunities abound in the following areas.
Nigeria and Africa have a lot of unexploited raw materials. This rich natural endowment still lacks the required man-power for efficient exploitation of the raw materials such as hides and skin, natural fibers, new oil sources, gum, resins and other lucrative areas. (Problems associated with the improper exploitation and utilization of these resources area challenge to our economy).
Industrial Chemists can supply quality equipment and chemicals and can equally trade in finished chemical products. They are better equipped for business in such goods and services. (More important is the fact that graduates are equipped with knowledge regarding self employment.)
The application of Chemical knowledge and skill in this sector is not limited to laboratory work only. Field work involving Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Bioremediation studies and other areas like Environmental Management are increasingly in demand for Chemistry programme.
The detection of criminals by use of analytical Chemistry tools as well as studies of such chemicals that cause harm to man and society will not be complete without individuals who have undergone a rigorous study of Chemistry.
It should be recalled that policy formulation for the government requires scientists of all fields Chemist by virtue of their training can adapt to any field. One such example is the fact that a former president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, was an Analytical Chemist. Chemists can find jobs even in politics.
i. The Academic Teacher/Lecturers.
ii. The Ministries of Environment, Education, Health and Agriculture.
iii. Agriculture.
iv. Laboratories.
According to the University Senate Committee on Curriculum, curriculum development at Madonna University is based on identified needs of student and the needs of the society as well as the system of values of all concerned. From these needs and values, the objectives of the curriculum content and the organized content give rise to the syllabus.
In drawing up the curriculum for B.Sc Industrial Chemistry, efforts were made to ensure that the requirements of the National Policy on Education and the Minimum Academic Standards as laid down by the NUC were considered.
1. Lecture: The Department has over the years developed a novel pedagogic method of imparting knowledge. Here the lecturer leads and guides students in formal and informal cooperative learning. Students may jot down as much as possible but notes may be given to students at the end of each topic.
2. Demonstration: The students are divided into groups while questions and discussion are made along the development of lectures. The lecturer uses models or instruments to explain his points. This is mostly applicable in practical oriented classes.
3. Discussion: This involves the totality of the students and lecturers. The lecturer uses models or instruments to explain his points. This is mostly applicable in practical oriented classes.
4. Tutorial: There is closer intimacy between the students and the course lecturer. This is intended to deal with capacity to find out the extent of understanding about a given topic or concept. Questions are asked and students answer but the lecturer compliments and gives further explanation.
5. Seminar and Workshop: Here the students are divided into panels and lecturer discuses the topic with contributions from the students. At the end, panels come together to finalize the discussion by considering the highlighted points of the various panels.
6. Field Work: This is in case where adequate laboratory is not available or situated far away from the immediate reach of students. Students go on a day visit to the Industry along with their lecturer.
i. Mapping out programme for individual students
ii. Ensuring effective enrollment of students during registration periods.
iii. Checking of academic load of students with regard to the number of credit units to be carried per session.
iv. Changing of courses for degree programmes.
v. Making sure that the regulations of the Academic Departments and the University are duly observed by the students.
vi. Effective keeping of folders for students.
vii. Keeping regular office hours for students
viii. Interviewing their students at least once a semester
ix. Making a sectional academic appraisal on the work of each student.
x. Consulting the Dean of student’s affairs office where students have any social or psychological problems.
i. Appointment of Advisers
ii. Ensuring that the Advisers do their work effectively.
iii. Meeting students and staff in order to explain Departmental procedures, especially before registration.
iv. Receiving Adviser’s recommendations and suggestions and considering other special cases referred by Advisers. The type of recommendations to be checked include programmes for individual students, credit unit loads and change of subjects or degree programme.
v. Promulgation of Department and University regulations.
vi. Mapping out all Departmental degree programmes, including the compulsory credit unit load required by the Department.
vii. Maintaining files on the students and giving Departmental staff access to such files. Also making sure that their Advisers get duplicates of academic records of students.
viii. Making inter Departmental arrangements which concern staff and students in the Department. Keeping the Dean and the Registrar informed about what allocation of academic advisers they have made in respect of every student in the Department.
1. Students Work
A student’s work will be graded as follows on a five point scale
Score (%) Letter Grade Points
70 and above A 5.00
60 – 69 B 4.00
50 – 59 C 3.00
45 – 49 D 2.00
40-44 E 1.00
0-39 F 0.00
i. Continuous Assessment shall carry 30% weight of the marks to be awarded to students in the course offered by the Department. The continuous assessment shall comprise tests, quizzes, term papers and essays as may be approved by the Board of Examiners.
ii. The minimum pass grade for all course (including electives and general studies) shall be ‘E’
iii. At any point in time, a student’s cumulative grade point average is obtained by multiplying the credit load of each course taken by the points appropriate to the letter grade obtained for the course (see i) Summation of the total points and dividing by the total credit load of the courses offered for the session gives the cumulative grade point for the session.
C.G.PA Degree Certificate
4.50 – 5.00 1st Class Honours (Distinction) Distinction
3.50 – 4.49 2nd Class Honours (Upper Division) Credit
2.40 – 3.49 2nd Class Honour (Lower Division) Merit
1.50 – 2.39 3rd Class Honour Pass
1.00-1.49 Pass Pass
Below 1.00 Fail Fail
2. Project Grading System
Contributions Score %
i. Supervisor 30
ii. Departmental Appraisal 20
iii. External Examiner 50
Total 100
It is compulsory that the supervisor be present during the assessment of his/her student.
Stress Areas Codes
General Theoretical Chemistry (0)
Inorganic Chemistry (1 )
Organic Chemistry (2 )
Physical Chemistry (3)
Analytical Chemistry (4 )
Chemical Process Technology (5)
Chemical Industry/Environment (6)
Practical Chemistry (7 )
Seminar/Workshop (8)
Research Project (9 )
The course coding system guide
– ICH = Industrial Chemistry core courses
– CHM = Pure Chemistry core courses
– Each course code contains ICH or CHM plus three digits
– The first digit represents the level i.e. 100, 200 etc.
– The second digit represents stress area in the discipline.
– The third digit signifies the semester. This digits could be odd signifying first semester or even signifying second semester.
At a glance, one can tell the level, the stress area and semester in which a course is offered.
Thus CHM111 shows a 100 level course in the stress area of Inorganic Chemistry offered in the first semester of the session and CHM 101 shows a 100 level course in the stress area of General Chemistry offered in the first semester of the session.
Students who gained admission by direct entry into the 200 level will ensure that they register and pass the following General Studies Courses in addition to all the courses in the Faculty/Departmental curriculum, as applicable.
Course Code Course Title Unit
GST 111 Communication in English I 2
GST 113 Nigerian Peoples and Culture 2
GST 121 Use of Library, Study Skills and Information Technology 2
GST 123 Communication in French 2
GST 125 Introduction to Entrepreneurship Studies I 2
Course Code Course Title Unit
GST 104 Fundamental Philosophy 1
GST 112 Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence 2
GST 122 Communication in English II 2
GST 142 Communication in German 2
GST 162 Introduction to Social Science 2
-Elele Campus
1 Madonna University Road
P.M.B 05 Elele,
Rivers State Nigeria.
Tel: 09035055624,08135955826,08148396740
-Okija Campus
Okija, Anambra State Nigeria
Tel: 08078129083
-Akpugo Campus
Akpugo, Enugu State Nigeria
Tel: 08158055206, 08058143616
Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.
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