Admitted Student Guidelines: Madonna University

Department Guidelines (Marketing)

service courses

The service courses are borrowed from many disciplines that will assist students to understand major applied Marketing courses. These courses cut across Management and Social Science disciplines as well as law. To be specific, the disciplines that offer the service courses are Accounting, Business Administration and Management, Banking & Finance, Economics, Sociology, Psychology, Public Administration and Commercial Law.


Graduates in Marketing are today highly needed in both the private and public sectors of the economy of the nation. Private sector employers include-Banks, Insurance firms, Oil and Gas firms, Advertising firms, Manufacturing firms, Agricultural firms, Health providers, Pharmaceutical firms etc. Public sector employer is the government through its agencies, parasalatals, ministries, research institutions etc.



A student shall be required to register for an approved combination of courses with a minimum of 15 credit units and a maximum of 24 credit units per semester. No students may register for number of units higher than the approved maximum of 48 units per session unless with the approval of the Senate or Committee of Deans acting on behalf of the Senate.


All courses taken must be evaluated and a final grade given at the end of each semester. The final grade, is composite of the grades from the following:

i. Assignments

ii. Term paper

iii. Quizzes

iv. Mid-Semester Quiz/Examination

v. End of semester Examination

The final marks a student may score and the corresponding letter grades and the numerical points are clearly indicated as shown below.

Scores Grade Point
70 – 100 A 5
60 – 69 B 4
50 – 59 C 3
45 – 49 D 2
40 – 44 E 1
0 – 39 F 0



This aspects of the students handbook is made to guide students on how they can contentiously asses his/her performance on annual basis. It will guide him/her to plan and redirect his energies towards better academic performance.

In the course of registration, students choose courses that carry different credit loads depending whether it is a core course or elective course. At the end of every examination marks obtained by students are recorded with the attendant points. The points obtained in each course are multiplied with the respective course credit loads to arrive at the cumulative points. The total cumulative point is divided with the total credit load to obtain the cumulative point average. This is obtained for all the years the student spends in the University to arrive at the cumulative grade point average (CGPA). This determines the grade or class of his/her degree. An illustration of the calculation is shown as follows.


MKT 101 2 A 5 10

GST 104 2 B 4 8

CSC 101 3 C 3 9

GST 121 2 D 2 2

BUS 101 2 E 1 2

ECO 101 2 F 0 0

1ST Semester CPA = 31 = 2.38

2ND Semester CPA = (example) = 45 = 3.00

Final cumulative Point Average (FCPA) = 31+45 = 76 = 2.71


i. The minimum number of credit units required for the ward of a degree is 167.

ii. For the purpose of calculating a student’s Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) in order to determine the class of degree to be awarded, grades obtained in all the courses whether compulsory or optional, and whether passed or failed are included in the computation.

iii. When a student repeats the same course once or more times before passing it, or substitutes another course for a failed course, grades scored at each and all attempts shall be included in the computation of the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). Classes of degree are to be awarded based on the (CGPA) obtained: The classes of degree and the required CGPA are specified here below.

1st Class CGPA 4.50 – 5.00
2nd Class Upper Division CGPA 3.50 – 4.49
2nd Class Lower Division CGPA 2.40 – 3.49
3rd Class CGPA 150 – 2.39
Pass CGPA 1.00 – 1.49
Fail CGPA 0.00 – 0.99


iv. Class Attendance: Attendance to Lecture is mandatory, and a student who fails to meet 75% attendance to Lectures in a course, stands disqualified from taking an examination in that course.

v. Examination Regulations: Cheating in examination will earn a student expulsion or rustication for one or more years. Cheating during examinations includes bringing copied materials into examination hall, copying from someone, impersonation, discussions during examination, disobeying instructions from invigilator etc. Students writing carry-over courses indicate on their answer scripts the words “CARRY OVER”. Students repeating a given year indicate on their answer scripts the word “REPEATING” followed by the level. Example “Repeating 200 level”.


 Newly admitted students into the Department of Marketing through UTME will spend a minimum of four academic calendar years and a maximum of six academic calendar years, while the direct entry candidate will spend a minimum of three academic calendar years and/or a maximum of five academic calendar years.


Marketing theory/introductory and conceptual courses – – 0

Promotion – – – – – – – – 1

Marketing research and quantitative analysis – – – 2

Consumer behavior analysis – – – – – 3

Distribution and logistic management – – – – 4

International and comparative marketing – – – – 5

Marketing management – – – – – – 6

Nigerian marketing system an d commercial policy – – – 7

Service marketing – – – – – – – 8

Project research – – – – – – – 9