The Department of Marketing is one of the nine Departments in the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences in the Okija Campus of the Madonna University. The establishment of the Department was approved by the Senate of the University on January 11, 2000. The Department of Marketing offers courses leading to the award of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Degree in Marketing. The Department admitted its first students in the 1999/2000 academic session and produced its first graduates in 2003. Today the graduates of the Department are successfully engaged in various sectors of the economy in Nigeria and beyond.
The philosophy underlying the study of Marketing, as a management science is to produce graduates with well developed theoretical, practical and innovative minds, self reliant and imbued with an enthusiasm to make their contributions to the development of Nigeria.
In addition, the Philosophy of the Department of Marketing is adopted from the overall philosophy of the University. The Department in all its undertakings is guided by the motto of the University which is “DECENCY IN EDUCATION AND MORALS”. The Department is geared to produce graduates with strong sense of responsibility and service to the community. Leadership qualities and professionalism in management practice, both in the public and private sectors, are therefore, emphasized in training of our graduates
The general objective of the Department of Marketing is to produce graduates who are able to assist in the solving of marketing problems in the public and private sectors of the economy. The specific objectives are :
Scope of the Programme
These are critical areas of University Education in Marketing which the students are expected to cover for the award of Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing. The courses offered are designed to cover the following areas:
1) Marketing theory, introduction and conceptual courses in Marketing
2) Marketing Communication
3) Marketing Research
4) Consumer Behaviour
5) Legal Aspect of Marketing
6) Quantitative Techniques in Marketing
7) Entrepreneurship/Skill/Application
8) Promotional Strategy
9) Product Planning/Development
10) Distribution/Logistic Management
11) International/Comparative Marketing
12) Marketing Management
13) Agricultural Marketing
14) Service Marketing
15) Industrial Marketing
Faculty Of Law
1 Madonna University Road
P.M.B 05 Elele,
Rivers State Nigeria,
Okija, Anambra State Nigeria,
Akpugo, Enugu State Nigeria
08137180957, 08078130033
Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.