I have travelled extensively and can communicate effectively in African Languages (Igbo & Hausa), English, and French. As a trained tutor in life long learning sector, I have developed interest in curriculum development and education inspection from early years to tertiary levels of education.
Head of Department, Computer Science department, Elele Campus.
With the emergence of new channels and technologies such as social networking, mobile computing, and online advertising, the data generated no longer have a standard format or structure like the conventional ones and cannot be processed using relational models. They come in the form of text, XML, emails, images, weblogs, videos, and so on resulting in a surge of new data types. This formless data is either semi-structured or unstructured data and makes searching and analysis complex. This paper gave an overview of this unstructured data that makes the backbone of predictive analysis. It outlined the sources and element of unstructured data and how organization benefits from gathering, analyzing and using unstructured data. The result concluded that organizations no longer neglect unstructured data nowadays; rather they are devising means of analyzing it to extract information.
When actions of a stakeholder interfere, obstruct, or make another stakeholders performance ineffective, conflict occurs. Conflict can occur among software engineering stakeholders due to disagreement on methodology, technology, tools to be used, personality, stakeholder requirements, or misconception of the problem which might deprive software project from succeeding. Success is subject to a large extent on whether or not stakeholders have thrived to establish a supportive environment. Conflict among project stakeholders is inevitable, but what is wrong in most cases is the form it takes. For software engineering project to succeed, project organization need to resolve conflict as soon as it is notice. This study empirically evaluates the effect of conflict resolution dexterity to effective software engineering projects in Nigeria. It used survey to gather data from 130 respondents which was analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and Regression analysis. It was discovered that conflict resolution dexterity significantly contributes to effective software engineering projects in Nigeria