The Department of Sociology is domiciled in the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences. It was started in 2002/2003 session with only five students. That was during the tenures of Prof. Unegbu, as Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. John Kanem, as Dean. On inception, the Department was briefly headed on acting capacities, first by Mr. Ugonna of the Department of Marketing, and later by Mazi C. C. Mba of the Department of Political Science. With his arrival as the pioneer lecturer with Sociology background to the Department in July 2003, Mr. I. U. Nwankwo took over the academic headship of the Department with continued administrative support from Mazi Mba.
It was during that pioneer that Mr. Nwankwo in consultation with sister Departments of Sociology in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, the first academic programme of the Department was developed and given Senate approval.
The Department continued to grow and was later joined by other Sociologists, prominent among whom were Dr. Mrs. Okanme, Prof. C. C. Nwabachili, Mr. Stephen Alumona, Mrs. C. Ibe, and others. The Students enrolment over the years has also witnessed tremendous growth.
The Department of Sociology secured full accreditation status from the National Universities Commission (NUC) in 2005 and also in 2011. This was due to the hard work and commitment of both staff and students. The fatherly support of the Chancellor and the entire university management has also been very instrumental to the success of the Department all these years.
Today, graduates of the Department are employed in various sectors of the economy, particularly banking, communication, industry, security, public service etc. Post Graduate Diploma programme of the Department has also commenced.
The philosophy underlying the Sociology degree programme is to produce a crop of graduates equipped with appropriate knowledge to make their contributions to the development of Nigeria, Africa and the global community, having been exposed to a broad foundation of knowledge in the field of Social Sciences in general and in the various sub-fields of Sociology in particular.
The major aims and objectives of the degree programme in Sociology are to:
(i) Instill in students a sound knowledge of Sociology, an appreciation of its applications in different socio-cultural contexts and to involve the students in an intellectually .stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying the workings of society.
(ii) Provide students with broad and well balanced knowledge of sociological theories and methods,
(iii) Cultivate in students the ability to apply their sociological knowledge and skills to the understanding and solution of societal problems in Nigeria and elsewhere.
(iv) Provide students with relevant knowledge and skill base from which they can proceed to further studies in special areas of Sociology or multi-disciplinary areas involving Sociology,
(v) Instill in students an appreciation of the importance of Sociology in socio-cultural, legal, economic, political, industrial and environmental contexts.
(vi) Develop in students a range of useful competencies for public, private or self-employment.
Admission Requirements
UTME: Candidates who wish to be admitted into the Department of Sociology must have obtained credit passes in Mathematics and English Language plus credit passes in either Economics, Geography or Government and other two subjects at the SSCE, NECO, GCE or their equivalent not in more than two sittings. An acceptable UTME score is required.
DIRECT ENTRY: Candidates for Direct Entry admission shall possess five credit passes in the SSCE, NECO, GCE or equivalents of which at least two shall be at advanced level, or four credits passes of which at least three shall be at advanced level provided that such passes are not counted at both the examinations. For emphasis credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and any of Economic, Geography or Government at the O’ Level is compulsory.
To graduate, a student must have:
a. Completed and passed the following no of units at each level
100 – 36
200 – 39
300 – 34
400 – 36
Total 145 including all compulsory courses specified by the University/Department
b. Completed and met the standards for all required and optional Courses
c. Obtain a minimum CGPA of 1 and
d. Met other requirements that may be prescribed by the department, Faculty and senate.
Learning Outcomes
a) Regime of Subject Knowledge
While each University is free to decide on the content, nature and organization of its courses or modules for a Bachelor’s degree programme honour in Sociology, it is expected that all programmes will ensure that students become conversant with the following main aspects of Sociology
(i) Major aspects of the history of sociological thought, the development of Sociology as a science of society, the development of various branches of Sociology including Social Psychology, Social Anthropology, Sociology of Mass Communication, Sociology of Crime and Delinquency, Political Sociology, Rural Sociology, Sociology of Law, Urban Sociology. Industrial Sociology, Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Development, Sociology of Medicine, Sociology of Deviant Behaviour, Sociology of Education, Gender Studies, Social Linguistics and Demography.
(ii) Core theories and concepts in all branches of Sociology.
(iii) Sociological methods of data collection and processing, both qualitative and quantitative.
(iv) Models in sociological analysis.
(v) Statistical methods in sociological analysis.
(vi) Appropriate information technology that is adequate for functioning in the digital age.
Competencies and Skills
A graduate of Sociology at the bachelors honours level should have the following competencies and skills:
(i) Ability to demonstrate adequate knowledge and understanding of the essentials in all the subject knowledge / areas identified.
(ii) Ability to apply such knowledge and understanding to the solution of social problems.
(iii) Ability to recognize and analyze new problems and plan strategies for their solution.
(iv) Communication skills in presenting sociological scientific research materials and arguments clearly and correctly, both orally and in writing to a range of audiences.
(v) Competence in statistical and qualitative data, processing skills relating to sociological data using the computer.
(vi) Competence in the use of information technology such as word processing, Internet communication, information retrieval through on-line computer searches, etc.
(vii) Subject-specific and transferable skills which allow for the pursuit of a wide range of careers after graduation.
Behavioural Attributes
A graduate in Sociology should be able to demonstrate adequate
(i) Knowledge of sociological concepts, theories and models.
(ii) Knowledge of a wide-range of sociological research methods.
(iii) General knowledge in the various branches of Sociology.
(iv) Computing skills.
(v) Ability to function entrepreneurially in a wide range of choices
(vi) Study skills needed for further studies and
(vii) Ability apply critical sociological reasoning to problem solving.
2.2 Attainment Levels
Since our B.Sc degrees are graded from first class to third class degree Levels; it is crucial that procedures for the attainment of these Classes of degrees are clearly spelt out for all concerned.
Accordingly, procedures used in all Sociology departments for fixing students’ attainment levels or for the assessment of students’ achievements in Sociology should correspond to the Knowledge, abilities and skills that are to be developed through the 4 year degree programme. It is therefore expected that evidence is provided on which the assessment of students’ achievement (and class of degree awarded) should be based, by using the following criteria, among others.
– Continuous Assessments, seen and “unseen” examination
– Tutorial performances
– Laboratory Reports
– Problem solving and experiential exercises
– Oral presentation, as in seminars and conferences
– Planning, conduct and reporting on project works
– Essay assignments should be given on regular basis
– Literature surveys and evaluation in examination
– Demonstration of skills in relation to conceptual analysis, problem identification and solving, numeracy, computer and social skills.
– Ability to transfer skills to appropriate practical situations. Extent to which the knowledge base of students is extensive and extends beyond the work covered in the degree programme
Introductory courses 0
Social organization 1
Social processes 2
Applied sociology 3
Social change and consequences 4
Research techniques 5
Project 9
-Elele Campus
1 Madonna University Road
P.M.B 05 Elele,
Rivers State Nigeria.
Registrar’s office: 09035055624, 08135955826
Admission: 08148396740
-Okija Campus
Okija, Anambra State Nigeria
Okija Admission: 08078129083
-Akpugo Campus
Akpugo, Enugu State Nigeria
Deputy Registrar: 08158055206,
Admission: 08058143616
Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.